Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dale's birthday, etc.

We have been so blessed with friends and family coming down to visit us lately and this past weekend was no exception. Bev & Brian, Michelle & Gerry (Janelle's dear friends) came and stayed with us Easter weekend. They were here also to celebrate Dale's 29th birthday. We had such a good time with great friends. We hope they come again.

Bennett has been so funny lately. He is doing things and I am constantly running to grab the camera to capture the moment.

This was Bennett's first "bubble" bath. I might have
put a few too many bubbles in, however Bennett was trying to eat them. Every time he looked up he had a face covered in bubbles. He had an absolute ball.

I had just brought the basket of clean laundry
upstairs when Bennett sort of nose-dived right into the
basket. While he was in there, he thought he should make
the best of the situation and play.

This was something he just mastered yesterday. We were
feeding him supper and his arms went straight up. Now he just
thinks it is the funniest thing.


Blogger The De Piero's said...

What a sweetie....he looks like such a big boy in the laundry basket. Him and Noah are going to get into so much trouble together...I can hardly wait!!!!

5:44 AM  
Blogger Julie and Greg said...

I like the look of the new blog!

11:21 AM  

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